What You Need to Know About Short-Term Rehabilitation

    Glenn Smith 31 May

    Orthopedic Surgery Recovery, Short-Term Rehabilitation

    What You Need to Know About Short-Term Rehabilitation

    After a hospital stay, many people find themselves well enough to be discharged, but not well enough to safely return home. Short-term rehabilitation is a service that fills that gap. It offers a range of benefits to patients in certain situations, so let's examine what short-term rehabilitation is, and what it can do for you.

    Care for a Variety of Needs

    There are many events that require short-term rehabilitation. One example is an emergency illness, such as a stroke or heart attack. Another is an accident, such as a fall that results in a broken bone, or major surgery, such as joint replacement. Hospitals are invaluable when it comes to saving people's lives, but they aren't in the business of helping people get back to their lives. Sometimes when people leave the hospital, they need more time to heal and to work to recover lost abilities.

    Short-term rehabilitation provides that interim care. Unlike the hospital, where the focus is on treating illness and injury, and unlike the home, where medical needs can be difficult to meet, this level of care focuses on medical support for recovery. The goal is to help people heal and recover the skills they need to return home. 

    The staff in a short-term facility is accustomed to meeting the needs of recovering patients, creating an environment that is comfortable and supportive. They give the kind of individual support that hospitals can’t and are able to get to know individual residents and form connections.

    The environment that comes with this level of care is welcoming and individualized. Residents have more privacy and the freedom to bring in personal items for comfort or entertainment.

    Experienced Staff and Skilled Therapists

    A key difference in a short-term rehabilitation facility is the kind of care they provide. Individual care goes beyond dispensing medications and checking vital signs. The staff is able to make personal connections with the residents. As well as standard nursing care, skilled therapists work to create a plan to help each resident to recover.

    Rehabilitation therapy is a very important part of the recovery process. The right therapy helps restore function, strength, and skills that might otherwise be lost. The goal is to maximize healing and minimize recovery time, so people can return to their lives. Facilities are adept with wound care, and also offer services designed to help residents recover from such things as cardiac procedures, orthopedic surgery, and the effects of strokes and other neurological problems. 

    Finding a Facility That's Right for You

    There are many factors to consider when choosing a facility for you or a loved one. Be sure to tour prospective facilities, and as you do, keep the following in mind:

    • Experience of the Administrator and staff.
    • Therapies offered. It's important to be sure that the staff is able to provide the rehabilitation services needed. Ask what types of rehabilitation are available and if the facilities and equipment are up-to-date.
    • Staff interaction. Try to observe the staff with the residents and see if the interactions are friendly and respectful. Ask to see testimonials from former residents.
    • Amenities available. Are there private rooms? Does the bathroom meet mobility needs? Are the grounds inviting?
    • Dining services. Are the meals appetizing and nutritious?
    • Is it conveniently located? 
    • What insurance is accepted? Speak to a patient accounting representative to find out what options are available.

    If you are in the process of selecting a short-term rehabilitation center for yourself or a loved one, you may feel as though you have a long road ahead of you. It's important that the facility you choose becomes a part of your team to navigate the next steps. With compassionate and skilled support, you will get where you're going.

    Church Home LifeSpring has provided skilled and compassionate nursing care for 75 years. If we can answer any questions you have about short-term rehabilitation services, please contact us.

    Church Home LifeSpring - Senior Care Facility Tour

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