Recovering from Orthopedic Surgery - A How to Guide

    Glenn Smith 16 Oct

    Orthopedic Surgery Recovery

    Recovering from Orthopedic Surgery - A How to Guide

    Orthopedic surgery, whether, back, knee, shoulder, hip, or other, is undoubtedly some of the most painful surgery you will ever experience. Recovery is often long and arduous. You need a full-time, dedicated care team in order to get through the first several weeks to months of post-operative recovery. A full-time care team is not always possible at home. Depending on your age, the extent of surgery, and the availability of loved ones able to care for you properly--the best decision may be to enter a short-term care facility with skilled nursing care for your peace of mind and that of your at-home caregivers. Orthopedic surgical recovery can be extremely taxing to your caregivers too!

    In many instances during the immediate post-operative period, your ability to move and sleep comfortably is limited. It is crucial to be certain that your incision is cared for with the utmost attention to preventing infection. In addition, bathing can present its own challenges. Recovery from orthopedic surgery is no picnic. It is vital to plan your after-care as soon as you schedule your surgery. Your after-care plan is as important to a full recovery as the surgery itself.

    Once your body has healed enough from the surgery you will require physical therapy so that your repaired joint, tendon, or ligament can function properly in the future. Physical therapy is crucial to successful orthopedic surgery. Physical therapy is also described by many patients as more difficult than the surgery itself. Physical therapy may be difficult when you begin to retrain your body to move in the way it was meant to move but it gets easier as you progress and it's worth it! One extremely important consideration as to physical therapy is: How will you get there? Your surgery will necessarily limit your ability to move comfortably. Just getting into and out of the car can be excruciating. What if the weather is not cooperating? Then there is the added preparation to ensure that you are warm, cool, dry, and safe from slipping on ice or snow.

    Again, depending on your age, the extent of the surgery, and the availability of your at-home care team--the best post-operative recovery decision after orthopedic surgery is to enter a short-term rehabilitation facility. You will benefit from 24-hour nursing care should any issues arise; you will receive top-notch wound care as well as assistance with bathing and other everyday tasks that you may take for granted before your surgery. You and your at-home caregivers will have true peace of mind knowing that you are being cared for in the best way possible with no worries for anyone.

    Choosing a short-term rehabilitation facility ensures that you have access to state-of-the-art equipment and the latest technology to maximize your recovery. After all, maximizing your ability to move freely and with little to no pain is the purpose of the purpose of the orthopedic surgery. An added benefit to a short-term care facility is that you will be among others who are experiencing the same or similar circumstances as you are. 

    If you choose to utilize the services of a short-term rehabilitation facility, it is important to do some initial research of the facilities available to you. Most importantly, visit the facility. A good facility will be overjoyed to take you and your loved ones on a tour of their facility to introduce you everything from the staff to the furniture. Be sure to ask as many questions as you can think of during the tour. Be sure that you are confident that you will be comfortable and that you will feel well cared for at each facility that you visit. Church Home LifeSpring is committed to providing the highest quality orthopedic care. Contact us or visit our property at any time to discuss the award-winning quality of our post-operative care. We look forward to providing you with worry-free recovery.

    Church Home LifeSpring - Senior Care Facility Tour



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