Heart-Healthy Habits

    Glenn Smith 21 Feb

    Person Centered Care

    Heart-Healthy Habits

    Take positive steps to improve your heart health!

    Did you know simple changes you can make to ensure your heart is healthy and happy?  Here are a heart-healthy habits you can assimilate into your daily routine.

    Get Moving 


    The health benefits of exercise promote a healthy heart, it’s key to building muscle and strong bones. As we age, we are prone to injuries. Having our bodies as strong and healthy as possible will help insulate you from injuries and allows you to sustain a strong skeletal support system.

    If we are sedentary, it can lead sarcopenia which is the age-associated loss of skeletal muscle mass and function. Also, this can lead to being prone to osteopenia which is the weakening of the bones which is not to be confused with osteoporosis. There are simple habits to incorporate to help prevent these conditions from occurring.

    • Cardio Exercises - The goal of cardio exercises is to get your heart rate up. Activities to consider is walking, dancing, riding a bicycle or swimming.
    • Weight-Bearing Exercises - The rule of thumb is if your feet are touching the ground, it is a form of a weight-bearing exercise. Walking is both cardio and weight-bearing and considered the best form of low impact exercise. Walking also helps prevent the progression of arthritis in joints such as the knees and hips.

    With any form of exercise, you want to start slow and gradually build your endurance. Keep reasonable expectations and find what suits you. Invite a friend or family member to join you.

     iStock-926093506Keep Updated on Your Health Numbers

    Your health numbers include key markers for heart health and take in account your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference.  For a guideline to what your health numbers should be, The American Heart Association offers a great tracking tools for both blood sugar (glucose) and blood pressure.  The CDC also offers a BMI calculator to gauge one’s healthy weight.  Keeping your numbers within a healthy range will improve your overall health.

    Reduce Your Stress

    Reducing stress is easier said than done but can be accomplished. Dedicate as little as 10 minutes each day and you’ll benefit greatly. Here are a few stress reducing approaches to get you started.

    • Mindfulness Meditation- Is a practice to help you with self-awareness which informs your body to relax.  It’s proven to be an effective way to improve one’s mood and reduce stress and anxiety.
    • Yoga – This gentle form of exercise allows you to gain strength and flexibility, it’s also proven to reduce stress.

    Healthy Eating 


    Nourishing our body with healthy and well-balanced meals will guide you to a healthier you. Having an emphasis on fruits and vegetables, along with lean meats, whole grains, and fiber is vital to healthy eating.   Small changes will lead you to a healthy eating lifestyle.  Here is a sample menu to help you get started. 

     Taking steps to eating right, exercising and keeping up-to-date with your numbers are good habits to achieve and maintain a healthy heart. For more healthy tips and to learn more about Church Home LifeSpring caring services contact us today!   

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