While the change in season welcomes holiday celebrations, this is also the time to take steps maintain your physical and mental wellness.
Here are quick tips to help you stay well and stay engaged this winter season.
1. Get Your Flu Shot 
The flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and your family from the flu and its complications. Getting the flu shot will greatly reduce your risk of getting the flu. It’s important that seniors and those with a compromised immune systems get vaccinated.
Many ask whether or not will the flu vaccine help protect you from COVID-19. The flu shot only protects you against the flu.
The best way for you to protect yourself and lessen the risks associated with getting the flu is to get your flu shot every season.
2. Eat right, stay hydrated, and stay active
Taking care of yourself, this is first line of defense against seasonal illness.
- Enjoy a well-balanced diet. To eat well will help boost your immune system.
- Stay hydrated. Recommendation by the Mayo Clinic, adult men should aim for about 3.7 liters of water per day and women approximately 2.7 liters.
- Maintain regular physical activity.
- Practice good hygiene.
3. Focus on Mental Health
It’s no secret that mental health is closely linked to good physical health. Your mental wellbeing will boost your mood and add overall enjoyment to your life.
How you can promote good mental health
- A good night’s sleep lends to having good brain function, it’s a mood enhancer and promotes a healthy immune system.
- Keep a journal. Write down what you’re grateful.
- If you’re in a moment that is overwhelming, take a break and step away.
- If you take medication, take it as prescribed and routinely.
4) Pursue a Hobby
Hobbies are a great way to keep your brain busy, active and promotes overall wellness. Learning new things keeps your brain sharp. Why not learn something new!
- Learning an instrument at any age can improve brain function and overall wellness.
- Take a class online from DIY home décor, health and wellness to language learning, the options are endless and many are at no cost to you.
5) Stay Social 
Humans are social creatures and lack of social connection can fuel the "winter blues." Being intentional about staying in contact with family, friends and neighbors can keep the winter blues at bay.
For more Church Home LifeSpring blog articles on wellness and person-centered care click here.