A smile is powerful. Here are nine reasons to smile.
A smile is powerful. It can help you succeed in developing friendships, building community and bridging differences. It’s also noted that it can add years to your life! Here are nine reasons to smile.
1. Smiling gives you a youthful glow. 
When you see someone smiling as they're walking cross your path, they can appear to be much younger than they are. There's something about a happy person with a cheerful spirit that makes them seem youthful.
2. Smiling sparks pleasure in the brain.
Yes, it’s true, smiling induces pleasure in the brain even more than chocolate!
Ron Gutman states, "British researchers found that one smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2,000 bars of chocolate" in his marvelous book titled Smile: The Astonishing Powers of a Simple Act.
3. Not in a smiling mood, a forced smile can boost your mood.
Feeling blue try a smile. If you force yourself to perform this simple act to smile, studies have shown it can boost your mood.
The Buddhist author Thich Nhat Hanh once said, "Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy."
This is a wonderful tool to have if you're having a rough day.
4. Smiling can predict a fulfilling relationship.
Think about it. Happy people are approachable and tend to make great partner and or a friend. Mr. Ron Gutman, founder of Health Tap researched this phenomenon and concluded that people who smiled often had longer and more fulfilling relationship such as friendships, family relationships and marriages than those who didn't.
5. Bonus, smiling might actually add more years to your life.
This is a wonderful finding. Smiling may help people live longer. It is said smiling could add up to seven years to your life!
6. A smile is contagious.
If you're smiling, then everyone who's with you will probably be smiling too. It's always nice to spread joy wherever you go. This could be just what the doctor ordered!
7. Smiling is a natural pain reliever.
When you smile, your neurons tell your body you’re happy or excited and your body releases dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin – the neurotransmitters that make you feel great. There are many benefits to having those endorphins released, but one is that it’s a natural pain reliever. A smile can be just what the doctor ordered!
8. Turn that frown upside down. 
Smile is known to affect your mood. Studies show that limiting frowning relieved depression in 27% of the patients studied. So, turn that frown upside down and watch the mood-altering effects.
9. Smiles can boost your creativity.
Did you know by smiling you help your brain come up with more solutions and increase your creativity. A smile can help your brain be more innovative than when you have negative emotions.
Here at Church Home LifeSpring we’re dedicated to bringing a smile to our residents as we support everyone to maintain a healthy quality of life. Contact us to learn how our team can support you with your short-term and long-term rehabilitation needs.