7 Foods To Help Boost Your Memory

    Glenn Smith 27 Mar

    Person Centered Care

    7 Foods To Help Boost Your Memory

    Take positive steps to improve your heart health!

    You've no doubt walked into the room only to forget why you stepped in it in the first place. Feeling forgetful is a normal part of life, and there are a few contributing factors such as lack of sleep, a busy lifestyle, family genetics, and not getting enough exercise. Diet also plays a role in feeling forgetful. What you eat affects brain health, just as food affects the health of your heart. It's important to get the right a combination of vitamins and minerals to keep your brain healthy and improve memory function.

    There are many foods you want to add to your diet to increase blood flow to the brain improve brain function 

    Berries and cherries

    iStock-1127432429Often called a superfood, berries and cherries are little powerhouses full of antioxidants, most specifically an antioxidant called a flavonoid. These flavonoids are proven to improve blood flow to the brain and increase brain activity which can reduce the risk of cognitive health diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. Studies have suggested that the flavonoids in berries do this by lowering neurodegeneration which effects cognition. While berries aren't the cure to degenerative brain diseases, it's clear that making sure you eat more of more berries is good for the brain!

    Eat your veggies

    Mom always told you to eat your veggies, and she was right! Green vegetables, like kale, broccoli, and collard greens are chock full goodness to keep your cognitive health in tip-top shape. According to research, it only takes one serving of green, leafy veggies a day to have a positive effect on your brain health due to their neuroprotective benefits. 

    Omega fatty acids 

    Fish is the most common source of omega fatty acids. These omega fats are rich in DHA and EPA acids. The membranes of the cells in our body are made up of these acids that are full of anti-inflammatory properties. Including the cells in our brain. A diet full of these omega fatty acids can slow down brain aging. Fish like salmon, herring, and sardines are packed with omega fatty acids, but if you're not fond of fish, you can add omega fatty acids to your diet with a quality supplement. Talk to your doctor for a recommendation. 



    Nuts are an excellent choice for a midday snack. Nuts are full of protein, and heart-healthy fats and a healthy heart improve circulation, which in turn increases brain health. Walnuts, especially, are a good choice for a brainpower snack. Grabbing a handful of walnuts will provide you with omega fatty acids. Almonds and Hazelnuts are full of vitamin E, which has been linked with a slowing down the decline of cognitive function like memory. 

    Pumpkin seeds 

    Pumpkin seeds are yet another great source of the brain-healthy omega fatty acids that are good for your brain health. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc and copper which are essential for nerve signaling and could ward off Alzheimer's. This powerful seed are high in iron, which can decrease that frustrating brain fog feeling. These nutrients are all important for long-term brain health. 

    Oranges and other sources of Vitamin C


    Vitamin C has long been known for its immune-boosting abilities, but did you know it's also good for your brain? According to the NIH, vitamin C, also known as ascorbate, is a vital micronutrient full of antioxidants that are crucial to brain health. The highest numbers of ascorbate are found in the brain, that's how important it is to brain health. These ascorbate antioxidants fight off free radicals that can cause neurodegenerative disease. Getting enough vitamin C from foods such as oranges, bell peppers, guava, and kiwi might help you reduce the risk of brain decline. 


    Eggs are usually known for being packed with protein, but eggs are also full of folate and B vitamins. Those with dementia and Alzheimer's often have deficiencies in these critical nutrients. Adding eggs to our diet a few times a week can stave off declining brain function and boost brain health. 

    With few changes to your diet, you can significantly improve your brain health, improve your memory and feel more alert. And it's a lot easier than you think! There are many appetizing and easy recipes  to delight your palate and promote a healthy brain.

    Contact us to learn more about Church Home LifeSpring supportive community, quality care and person-focused rehabilitative facility. 

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